Major Trends in Digital Marketing for 2021
1. Hyperpersonalization
If you are minimally active on the web, you will undoubtedly have noticed that everything is a little more personalized, that every action you take is recorded somewhere. Two good examples of personalizing the customer experience: receiving an email for a product left in a shopping cart or receiving a suggestion of a product that you might like without even having shopped!
Optimizing the customer experience
Every good business branding consulting service seeks to achieve one ultimate goal: to provide a customer with the right content and the right experience based on their overall interactions with the brand and their current needs. It’s call contextual Trends In marketing. If we segment our audience well, we will be able to offer them content that matches their tastes. One of the best examples is Netflix, where you can see different suggestions on each of the user profiles.
In addition, the use of certain tools that allow the collection and analysis of customer data have become essential. Although users are often reluctant to share their personal data and information, they are increasingly inclined to do so in exchange for the personalization of the service offered by a brand.
The chatbot
These 24-hour bots, with whom you can chat on Messenger, also open the door to personalizing the customer experience. They answer your questions and are at your entire disposal, in most cases, users rate the experience positive.
In fact, when it comes to a fairly straightforward discussion, the chatbot is the perfect solution for improving customer service. It is when situations that are a little more complex to manage or when the chatbot is less well configure arise that bad experiences can arise. After all, we must not forget that it is artificial intelligence!
2. SEO, still relevant today
SEO (Search Engine Optimization ) will always be part of web Trends in Digital Marketing since it is one of the basics of Internet search. However, it will never stop developing. It has already evolved in multiple ways over the past few years and 2020 will be no exception.
Voice search
Most Importantly the mobile devices, voice search it’s also known as VSO “Voice search optimization and it will experience a significant increase in popularity. 72% of Internet world users use VSO “voice search” from voice assistants in their everyday in their life. Moreover, by 2021, we will be able to count more than 1.6 billion people who will use a voice assistant on a regular basis, whether it is Alexa (Amazon), Google Home (Google) or Siri (Apple).
For websites to continue to be found when people search on search engines, will they need to be optimized in a different way? Yes a little, it will be necessary to be interested in the long expressions made up of several words, especially the keywords which answer a question. These long keywords are used to answer specific questions that users have when using voice search.
Optimized snippets in Google (or featured snippet)
Have you noticed this feature has been present in Google search results pages for a while? In order to respond more quickly and directly to Internet users’ questions, Google has set up an “optimized extracts” section. This contains content that Google considers relevant in response to the search performed.
The user, therefore, has quick access to information without having to click on an external site, then if he wishes to know more, it is possible to click on the link. Often the excerpt is follow by questions and answers on the same topic that might be of interest to the reader. Here is an example.
3. Content more interactive than ever
Interactive content isn’t new for 2020, but the trend continues. To deliver a customer experience worthy of the name, you have to be able to capture attention and retain visitors. To do this, you have to let your imagination run wild and use different techniques, such as chat, live videos, polls. While these may seem old-fashioned, they are very effective when you get your users to contribute a certain facet of your brand! For example: ask their opinions on the release of a new product, their impressions of new packaging or what type of print they prefer for the new sweater that will be released next month, etc. You can do this type of survey as easily as in an Instagram or Facebook story.
4. Diversification to get conversions

As far as social media advertising is concerned, it remains just as present, however, it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain conversions using only one platform. 2020 will be the year of diversification. It will be necessary to multiply the points of contact to obtain a conversion. Indeed, conversions are rarer when you are only present on a single platform.
To succeed in obtaining a satisfactory number of conversions, you will therefore have to implement your digital strategy on several channels. How? ‘Or’ What? By creating a “centerpiece” and then breaking it down into small publications or advertisements that will distribute on the various platforms.
A little novelty that should make its appearance during the year is the Instagram checkout. Already available in a test version since 2019 in the United States, this feature allows you to buy a product seen on Instagram without leaving this social network. This will undoubtedly make it easier to convert the ads. It said that the complexity of paying for a product often affects the conversion rates of advertisements.
Even though a social media ad gets an excellent click-through rate, that doesn’t mean it will get a good conversion rate if the path to purchase is too complex for the buyer. It doesn’t take much to discourage a potential customer from making the purchase!
5. Social media engagement
Social media will remain just as popular, and the visuals will look better than ever. Indeed, brands will have to make extra efforts to compete with the photos taken by users and the filters available to them.
We will see that passionate micro-influencers will dominate influencer marketing in many ways and far outweigh the success of mass influencers. As mention earlier, social media users are looking for human experiences and much prefer to follow accounts to which they feel personally attack or touch.
In the same line of thought, customer reviews and testimonials will be even more present and prominent on the web, as it is shown that 90% of buyers were more sensitive to user-generated content than to advertising. classic.
The storytelling in video
Videos will dominate the web once again this year! In 2020, web video traffic will be 84%. This is really the type of content that now grabs the attention of users.
Engaging videos, such as storytelling, will be popular with Internet users. This type of video aims to elicit emotions from the viewer and invites them to identify with the character in an effort to increase their commitment to the brand.
Authenticity is the watchword
In conclusion, no matter how you interact with your audience, always keep in mind that they should give a positive impression of your brand. More than ever, you will need to be honest and genuine in your communications, because that is what customers expect. And this is how they will be loyal to you and directly and indirectly contribute to your success.
Have you planned your marketing strategy for 2021? If not, the interstellar consulting team can help you take your creativity a step further. We can advise you on many marketing topics and help you manage it all because we are aware of it, sometimes it is difficult to stay the course since this field is evolving at lightning speed! Put on your helmet and contact us now for a free quote! Towards infinity and further still!